Baku 2024

9th University Session of EYP Azerbaijan

Sat, 25 May 2024 – Mon, 27 May 2024



The Sound of Freedom: Seeing as more than 7,000 victims of human trafficking are registered annually in the EU, with even more being undetected within borders, what steps can be taken to ensure safe and sustainable prevention of human exploitation?


Hustlers: Self-employed individuals face a consistent lack of regulatory oversight in the gig economy. What steps should be taken to enhance job security and elevate the working conditions for freelance workers?


Frontliners: With more healthcare workers facing burnout due to long working hours, high stress levels, and overwhelming circumstances, how can the EU aid professionals facing the mental health crises so deep-rooted in the healthcare industry?


A League Of Their Own: Bearing in mind the burden of household work and restrictive social norms faced by women, how can the European Community promote gender equality in the labour force by enhancing women's career advancement and earnings?


Welcome To The Neighbourhood: According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), in some EU Member States the wage gap between immigrants and citizens in some EU Member States is as high as 27%. With special attention being paid to the unequal treatment in the labour market, what can guarantee equal access to employment, social security, and trade union rights for migrants?


Black Mirror: With the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence, the proliferation of deepfakes raises threats to individuality and increases concerns over misinformation. How can the EU implement regulations to address the rising problems of deepfakes and protect against data manipulation?


No Way Home: As the population increases, the quality and availability of transportation infrastructure in Europe is still low. How can the EU enhance public transportation systems to alleviate commuter fatigue, promote work-life balance, and reduce environmental impact?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: