Ghent 2024

Ghent 2024- 4th International Forum of EYP Belgium

Sun, 31 March 2024 – Sun, 7 April 2024



Babies for president: Youth is systematically underrepresented in traditional political structures, and while 20% of Europeans are between the ages of 18 and 35, only 6% of MEPs are. How can the EU and its Member States promote the inclusion of youth in formal political processes?


Trash Talks: Only a third of EU Member States are on track to meet the recycling targets the European Waste Framework Directive’s set for 2025, with countries like Malta and Croatia being particularly behind. Keeping in mind each country’s varying needs and capacities, what can the European Commission do to ensure the targets are met?


An Unequal Exchange: Increasingly, Erasmus programmes have become a significant part of the educational experience of many young Europeans. However, for many young people who face both social and financial barriers, programmes such as Erasmus+ are largely unfeasible and a luxury. What can the EU do to extend the accessibility of European educational programmes to include more disadvantaged young Europeans?


Call me by MY name: Despite meaningful progress in the rights of queer people since the 1970s, recent years have seen a significant increase in hostility towards queer youth, especially with the politicisation of transness. With trans- and queerphobic violence on the rise and harmful practices such as sexual orientation and gender identity-expression (SOGIE) change efforts remaining in many European countries, what can the EU do to protect and support queer youth?


(Not) For you: With rampant cyberviolence against women and marginalised groups occurring online, many are hindered from participating in digital spaces. As algorithms have been proven to even promote hate speech, what steps should the EU take to foster a digital environment that is both open and safe for all?


Permission to Speak: Reporters Without Borders noted that increased government control and public hostility had worsened press freedoms in Europe in their 2022 index. Considering the growing digitalisation of European youth and that media freedom and pluralism are enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, how should the EU work towards ensuring a safer legal framework for prospective journalists and limiting the spread of misinformation?


Stories cut short: Despite improvements in the last decade, 1 in 10 deaths were a result of intentional self-harm in 2020. This was especially prevalent among men, who made up 8 out of 10 suicides. How can the EU provide better crisis resources and specialised support for those struggling?


No land left behind: The rural youth population all over Europe has been steadily declining due to a lack of opportunities, isolation, and economic stagnation in rural areas. What can the EU do to foster the economic and cultural revitalisation of the rural world?


Young and broke: Youth unemployment remains high across Europe, particularly in some countries such as Spain, where 28% of young people looking for a job cannot find one. With the youth representing the future of the workforce, what steps can the EU take to reduce youth unemployment?


Skills for the future: From deepfakes to automation, the changing nature of modern societies leads to the need for new skills to participate in society and the labour market. What changes can EU Member States make in organising education to better align with the skills needed in the 21st century?


I’m in the Block: In the often neglected urban deprived areas and neighbourhoods (UDAN), the youth can find themselves overlooked, especially by politicians. How can the EU proactively address this issue, enhancing its visibility, understanding, and acceptance within these communities?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: