The Future of the EU-UK Relations: A recent study highlighted that there has been a drastic decrease in the number of trade relationships between UK exporters and EU importers due to the newly implemented Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), causing major disruption to EU-UK trade following Brexit. Keeping this in mind, how should the EU-UK relations be reinforced for a stronger partnership?
Rise of the Machines: With Artificial Intelligence being the next step in automation and holding near-endless potential in all its applications, how should the EU tailor their AI strategy in order to enable the development and uptake of AI within the EU while ensuring AI is a force for good in society?
Barriers to Education: People with disabilities are twice as likely to leave school early, highlighting issues with inaccessible infrastructures, non-adapted materials, and segregation of children with disabilities in separated settings. What actions should the EU take to provide better support for all children to thrive in education?
I Speak Therefore I Am: The EU holds 24 official languages; however it is estimated that between 40-50 million Europeans speak regional minority languages (RMLs) with the population of these RML speakers decreasing each year. Bearing this in mind, what measures can the EU take to preserve the use of RMLs?
Unequal Representation: Regardless of the progress made in recent years when it comes to gender balance, research shows that women are still underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Which steps can Member States take to increase gender equality in those fields?
David Versus Goliath: Due to their immense market power, a small number of companies in the information technology industry act as digital gatekeepers to the EU internal market. What are the necessary steps to ensure a contestable and fair market in the European digital sector?
Clean energy for a Clean Future: According to the International Energy Agency, meeting the Paris Agreements targets without nuclear energy would cost an estimated USD 1.6 trillion more, illustrating the importance of nuclear energy in combating climate change. Considering the Member States’ dependency on importing oil and gas from foreign countries, what role should nuclear energy play in ensuring safe and sustainable energy supply within the EU?
Towards a Safe Cyber Culture: The emergence of COVID has contributed to the rise in cybercrime with around 18 million COVID-related phishing and malware emails sent every day. With cybercrime being one of the EU's priorities to combat serious and organised crime as part of EMPACT 2022 - 2025, what steps can be taken to increase cybersecurity in the fight against cybercrime?
The House is on Fire: Natural hazards, such as floods, wildfires, and earthquakes, pose a threat to human life, the environment, and national economies. As the likelihood and severity of such events is expected to increase in the future, how can the EU improve investments in resilient infrastructure and encourage financial preparedness within Europe?