In the era of recovery from the pandemic, the design for the future of Europe focuses heavily on European unity, political will, and common ideals under a European identity. Given the need to reinforce the “soul of the EU” through investing in young people as well as to safeguard European values against Euroscepticism and foreign influence, how can the EU achieve a more united Europe for the realisation of its goals?
Taking into account the rising number of unaccompanied refugee minors applying for asylum in Member States, and that policies on migration and asylum vary across Europe, what actions could the EU take to provide a safe route and safe conditions?
As the fourth biggest trading partner of the European Union, Switzerland's economic and trade relations with the EU are governed by more than 120 bilateral agreements. Given that the negotiations to replace the agreements with an overarching treaty, namely the EU-Swiss Institutional Framework Agreement, have been terminated by Switzerland, how can the EU move forward with regard to its relations with Switzerland?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the cruciality of establishing a systematic strategy for health emergency preparedness and response. Taking into consideration the proposal for a European Health Union, what steps can be taken in order to eliminate cross-border health threats, improve health standards and resilience on the continent and promote international cooperation against global health hazards?
As an extreme manifestation of gender inequality, one-in-three women in the EU aged 15 or over has experienced gender violence, while violence by an intimate partner (IPV) is also worrying. Keeping in mind the rates of gender violence, along with violence against minority women, who are considered to be the most vulnerable, how can Member States ensure the protection and correct application of Istanbul Convention dispositions?
Given the rise of sophisticated attempts of election interference, the integrity of democratic elections in Europe is considered to be at risk due to disinformation, hack-and-leak operations, political party funding, amongst other things. What measures can be taken to coordinate a European strategy against election-meddling and to ensure free and fair elections?
As the new EU Space Policy enters into force, the European Union is setting its gaze on the endless frontiers of space. Along with joining the 21st Century's "space race", the Policy will undoubtedly affect the daily lives of European citizens in aspects such as agriculture, accessing knowledge and information, improving crisis response, tackling climate change and many more. What measures should the EU take to ensure and facilitate the future growth, security and relevance of its space industry and cement its role as an industry leader in space technology?
Deployment of conventional transport and shared mobility options has been historically inadequate in rural communities, with many essential services and opportunities being located some distance away. This leads to more spending on travel, and almost total dependence on private transport at the expense of more sustainable alternatives. Keeping in mind certain strategies and initiatives such as the Smart Villages and the EU Rural Development Policy, how can the EU better rural mobility with sustainable mobility solutions?