Zaragoza 2022

Regional Selection Conference of EYP Spain

Fri, 11 March 2022 – Sun, 13 March 2022



Recent advances in AI systems in Medicine and Healthcare present extraordinary opportunities in many areas of social interest together with significant questions and drawbacks, calling for a close consideration of their implementation. What stance and/or steps should the EU take in the near-future applications of AI in this particular sector?


With countries like France or Italy not having ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, and others like Croatia or Spain not having fully implemented it, what should the EU do in order to protect minority languages and safeguard their speakers' rights?


With a recent citizens' initiative calling upon the European Commission to present a proposal for universal basic income (UBI) and countries such as Finland already conducting experiments to observe this model’s effects: what stance should the EU take on the implementation of UBI?


Today’s fashion industry is valued at over 2.5 trillion euros, employing more than 300 million people globally, but it's significant use of finite resources and toxic chemicals, as well as issues surrounding the conditions for garment workers producing fast fashion, have placed it under increasing scrutiny. What steps should the EU take in the transition to a fair and circular economy for textiles?


With some European countries applying up to more than 20 percent tax on feminine hygiene products, classifying them as non-essential goods, what steps should the EU take to further fight the pink tax and period poverty?


With rising pressure on electric grids around the globe and a surge in energy prices across Member States, what measures can the EU take to provide affordable energy to consumers, whilst keeping up to speed with the green energy transition?


A 2020 European Parliament statistic revealed that more than 700,000 people sleep rough every night in Europe, an increase of 70% over the last 10 years. What measures can the EU adopt to reach its goal of ending homelessnes in Europe by 2030?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: