Ankara 2022

Ankara 2022 13th International Forum of EYP Turkey

Thu, 3 Feb. 2022 – Tue, 8 Feb. 2022



The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted education worldwide and transformed the traditional teaching methods, obligating educational institutions to switch from face-to-face learning to long-term distance learning while jeopardising the mental well-being of young people and vulnerable individuals in the education sector. What steps should the EU take to modernise its educational systems and ensure preparedness for future crises?


Since the 2008 financial crisis, rent and housing prices across the EU have increased by 16% and 34% respectively since 2010 (which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic). In light of these developments, how can the EU better address the housing crisis without compromising housing quality for Europeans?


As Europeʼs urbanisation level is predicted to increase to roughly 83.7% in 2050, more cities will become vulnerable to climate anomalies. How can the European Union and its Member States improve the climate resiliency of cities and the commitment to sustainable development in urban environments?


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown both how vulnerable and how resilient Europe is in the face of a public health disaster. How should the EU ensure its readiness for future pandemics?


As of October 2020 the Polish government has prohibited abortion, provoking large protests and forcing women seeking one to travel abroad or try self-managed abortions. What can the EU do to protect the rights and health of Polish women and modernise the legal framework for abortion rights?


After a promising start last decade, sustainable energy development has halted in many eastern European countries. With climate scepticism on the rise coupled with bitter past experiences with corruption in the matter, how can the European Union support these countries in reaching their sustainable energy pledges?


As the refugee crisis enters its seventh consecutive year, European asylum policy continues to fail almost all stakeholders. How should the EU and its neighbouring countries reshape policies on irregular migration?


In light of recent serious attempts to silence free media in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia, the role of media freedom in strengthening and enabling democracy has come into question. Such political interference undermines the right to receive information and the right to public participation, which are both fundamental rights recognised by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. What needs to be done to ensure the protection, safety and empowerment of journalists and other media professionals in the European Union? What steps should the EU take in order to protect the existence of media pluralism in Europe?


After a temporary reprieve from overtourism due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, rising living costs and crowded infrastructure may cause conflict with citizens of popular tourist destinations. How should the EU facilitate travelling in a way that keeps cities liveable without stifling locations that are dependent on tourism?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


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