Lyon 2021

International Forum of EYP France

Mon, 5 April 2021 – Sun, 11 April 2021



Together we can conquer the world: With the European Neighborhood Policy seeking to align Neighbor States with EU norms, there have been rising concerns about whether this constitutes an exercise of civilian power or soft imperialism. How can the EU build stronger Easter and Southern partnerships with neighbouring States while respecting their sovereignty?


I need a robot, call me a robot: Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) systems in Medicine and Healthcare present extraordinary opportunities in many areas of social interest, together with significant questions and drawbacks, calling for a close consideration of their implementation. What stance should the EU take in the near-future applications of AI in this particular sector?


World First, EU Second: A global health crisis has once more shown the instability and the outdated approach of development aid. Being the largest contributor to global development and humanitarian aid, how can the EU continue facing its global responsibility and ensure economic sustainability and independence for developing countries?


Fight for your life: With some EU countries, such as Finland and Austria, still having compulsory military conscription, the freedom and health of mainly young men is restricted and threatened. How can the EU safeguard the rights of individuals facing conscription whilst preserving the security in its Member States?


Not on my plate - Despite the negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and food safety many farmers in the EU still don’t want to take the step towards more eco friendly pest control. How can the EU ensure a Europe-wide shift towards farming with minimum use of pesticides in local areas, protecting biodiversity as well as protecting the interests of the farmers?


The right to choose - Women are facing many different difficulties when accessing reproductive health goods and services throughout the EU due to big disparities in reproductive rights, the question arises how can the EU ensure equal and fair access to these goods and services for everyone?


#UnionOfEquality : Following the adoption of many “LGBTIQ free zones” in Poland, the stark disparities in society’s acceptance towards the LGBTIQ community between Member States has come to light. With the recent adoption of the EU Strategy for Equality for 2020-2025, what further steps can the EU take to protect the rights of the members of the LGBTIQ community across all Member States?


The dawn of a new defence: In 2017, the EU approved the continuation of the EMPACT Policy Cycle, aimed to tackle the most important threats posed by serious international crime. With the four-year cycle expiring in 2021, what should the future of the fight against organised crime in Europe look like?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: