1st Digital Session of EYP Turkey

Wed, 20 May 2020 – Sun, 24 May 2020



Dig with me: As the Post 2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) made environmental protection a top priority and considering that farmers across Europe often lack the resources to smoothly transition towards greener procedures, how should the new CAP be renegotiated in order to ensure stability for farmers and progressive climate action?


#DigitalStrike:​ Starting with March 2019, one of the biggest youth environmental protests took place in more than 100 countries, and, since measures were taken in order to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the strikes moved to a digital format. How can the EU and other European countries further contribute to the international dialogue in order to prevent permanent consequences of climate change given the current state of the pandemic?


Welcome to the Urban Jungle: As the building sector is responsible for roughly 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU, accounting for almost 40% of the Union’s energy consumption, what measures should be taken in order to enhance the energy performance of European buildings?


Towards a Circular Economy: The European Commission stated that further action needs to be taken in order to move from a linear economy, in spite of the 2019 completion of the Circular Economy Action Plan. Therefore, how should the European Commission shape its new plan in order to achieve an economic growth, while reducing the negative impact on the environment?


Breathe in, breathe green: As many European cities are confronted with a high air polution, how should the EU energy policy and regulations be adapted in order to improve the air quality around Member States?


Green Businesses: As start-ups and SMEs are constantly shaping the energy transition and innovation around EU, what stance should the European Union take in managing a successful renewable energy transformation?


Trade for the future: How should the EU ensure the protection of human rights and the environmental standards through the sustainable development of Global Value Chains (GVCs)?


High Fashion: Given the high percentage of greenhouse gas emissions in the fashion industry, alongside labour and human rights violations found in supply chains of major fashion companies, how should the EU work towards making the fashion industry more sustainable, circular, and respectful of human rights?


Getting digital: With the increase in use of renewable energy sources, balancing and storing energy through smart grids becomes increasingly important. How can the EU improve the cyber resilience of the infrastructure and energy, whilst protecting its citizens' data?


Taking transport to another level: Given the fact that numerous European cities have exceeded one or more of the 2010 imposed emission limits due to urban transportation, how can the EU promote and facilitate the transition to sustainable urban transportation while also taking into consideration the evolution of digital transport?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: