Bad Reichenhall 2020

Regional Selection Conference Bad Reichenhall 2020

Thu, 27 Feb. 2020 – Sun, 1 March 2020



Let’s buzz: According to a recent report, approximately one million species, such as and especially bees, are in danger of extinction as a consequence of climate change and pollution. Bearing in mind that the heavy use of pesticides and fertilisers in conventional farming contributes to this phenomenon, what steps should the EU take to tackle this pressing problem?


Turning the tide: With sea levels having risen almost 20cm over the past century and research indicating a continuing rise at an alarming rate, coastal regions of the EU are at risk. How should the EU and its Member States adapt to rising sea levels and coastal floodings?


Taking responsibility: The European Union and other developed countries have been mainly responsible for most of the CO2 emissions since the industrial revolution. This has lead to calls for an increased burden on developed countries in the fight against climate change. How should the European Union and its Member States deal with their historical responsibility?


Leaving the past in the past: Precision Farming Technologies change agriculture from planning to production. How can the EU ensure that farms, as well as farmers, are able to adjust to the ongoing changes in equipment and methods, especially in regards to the acquisition of necessary skills and knowledge?


Five to twelve and the clock is ticking: Bearing in mind the potential dangers that come with nuclear power plants and the fluctuating nature of renewable energy sources, what stance should the EU take towards the use of nuclear energy as compared to renewable energy sources?


Establishing the grid: with the rise of renewable energy sources, balancing and storing energy becomes increasingly important. How can the EU encourage the participation of citizens in the management of renewable energy through the use of smart grids, whilst protecting their data?


From Iron Curtain to Green Belt: With a recent trend towards the transformation of economically stricken regions to travel destinations, how can the EU further promote diversified cross-border tourism aside from the most popular tourist attractions?


Wish you weren’t here: Despite the positive impacts of increased use of sharing economy housing services such as AirBnb, the corresponding negative impact on traditional and local businesses in big tourist cities across Europe persists. How can the EU encourage a sustainable and local-conscious approach to holiday housing?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: