Hoorn 2019

Regional Selection Conference of EYP The Netherlands

Fri, 22 Nov. 2019 – Sun, 24 Nov. 2019



Democracy at risk: Despite more than 50% of eligible voters taking part in the 2019 European elections, the ongoing rise of Eurosceptic and populist parties suggests that a significant number of people do not feel represented by mainstream politics. How can the EU deal with this rising opposition amongst voters and promote active participation?


Euphoria: The diffusion of recreational drug use has raised international concerns about appropriate policy responses. What steps should be taken by the EU in order to fight the possibility of long-term impairment caused by regular use of drugs?


Education for all: With a variance of public and private funds spending for tertiary education across the Member States, universal access to educational institutes is neither affordable nor safeguarded. How can the EU ensure fair and equal access to tertiary education for different social classes?


The fight against poverty: With the Europe 2020 Strategy showing unsatisfactory results in regards to poverty goals, the European Commission expects that the number of people at risk of poverty might remain at 100 million by 2020. How should the EU support its development goals and structure its approach towards effectively combating poverty?


Money, money, money: The past few decades have seen unprecedented levels of global economic growth, which has not been evenly distributed since 1% of the world’s population now owns over 45% of the world’s wealth and many countries’ middle class has shrunk. How should we strive to address economic inequalities while assuring the continuation of economic prosperity in the EU?


You will not break me: With Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) considered to be responsible for over 25000 deaths across Europe yearly, what further steps should the EU and its health care systems take in order to minimise the threats associated with AMR?


Breaking Free: With domestic violence affecting millions of citizens every day all around Europe what measures should the European Union and its Member States take in order to protect the victims of such incidents?


Life in plastic: Given that more than 150 million tonnes of plastics have accumulated in the world's oceans and additional 4.6 to 12.7 million tonnes are added every year, what actions should the EU take in order to restore marine ecosystems and prevent plastics from entering the food chain?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: