
16th National Selection Conference of EYP Poland

Tue, 3 Sept. 2019 – Sat, 7 Sept. 2019



"Modern slavery: In 2016, the number of registered victims of human trafficking was over 11,000, more than 56% of them being trafficked for sexual exploitation. What strategy should the EU develop to ensure the freedom of Europeans and ensure preservation of human dignity within its borders?"


"Despite ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), students with disabilities still face challenges due to lack of individualised support measures. What measures should the European Union take to encourage a higher level of inclusive education among its Member States?"


"Bearing in mind that more than 50% of current jobs will be automated in the near future with no guarantee that new jobs will be created, what efforts can the European Union make in order to ensure "The Right to Work", following Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is upheld?"


"The fashion of destruction - With the textile industry being the second most prominent polluter worldwide, what measures should the EU take to lessen and prevent further environmental pollution of the textile industry and its negative impacts on society?"


"With the recognition of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as a major current public health threat, possibly leading to devastating social and economic consequences, what measures should the EU take in order to prevent the spread of AMR?"


"Bearing in mind that more than 1 million people in Europe still do not have access to clean drinkable water due to economic and infrastructural barriers, what steps should the EU take to ensure all citizens have this fundamental right?"


"In an increasingly technology dependent world, less than 30% of the world’s researchers working in science and technology are women, and an even smaller percentage of women reach senior positions across all industries. What should be done in order to promote female representation in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and to decrease the gender gap amongst senior positions?"


"While migration and free movement of people is developing within the EU, it is estimated that 500 000 women will face the lack of access to health services during the first months of their pregnancy. What actions should the EU take to grant equal access to maternal healthcare and midwifery to all?"


"With rapid technological advancements in counter-terrorism, such as the use of Artificial Intelligence, how should the EU detect and prevent terrorism in a way that does not infringe on human rights, particularly with the innovative use of technology?"


"The United States’ inability to detect and disrupt the interferences in the 2016 presidential election was a demonstration of how new information technologies might affect our decision-making. How should the EU and its Member States work against information warfare and ensure the stability of our democracy?"

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: