Milano 2019

45th National Session of EYP Italy

Wed, 3 April 2019 – Mon, 8 April 2019



With Catalonia, Scotland, Flanders, and other nations/regions’ calls for autonomy across the EU, this continues to keep the questions of self-determination and autonomy relevant. What stance should the EU adopt towards populations within its borders who seek independence?


As Israel continues with its development of new settlements across the Palestinian governed West Bank, and the United States and Australia have recognised West Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, how can Member States ensure a continued commitment to a two-state solution in the area from all parties?


New horizon for Copyright? The newly proposed copyright directive has split the European Parliament, taken into consideration the current discussion, how should the EU ensure that artists are given maximised protection and recognition concerning their work without impacting negatively to the free nature of the internet?


A healthy mind in a healthy body: As the number of Europeans suffering from mental health issues keeps rising, how can the EU ensure the availability of proper medical care and a societal acceptance of citizens affected by mental illnesses?


As the high level group on artificial intelligence (AI HLEG), releases the first draft of its Ethics Guidelines for the development and use of artificial intelligence, how can European Countries ensure the development of artificial intelligence respects fundamental rights, while also being technically robust and reliable, to ensure consumer satisfaction and trust?


The first subsidy-free wind farms have now been announced in three European countries - Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom - reflecting the increasing profitability of certain renewable energy sources. Given the possibility that some future renewables schemes will be able to self-fund, how should European countries and the EU structure future project finance to continue to provide funding to schemes that require it, without discouraging private funding or state capitalisation for those schemes that will not?

Points Made Summary

Voting Summary


Total Points:

Minutes Per Point:

Total Votes:

Total In Favour:

Total Against:

Total Abstentions:

Total Absent: